Usage: clientlist [-uid] [-away] [-voice] [-groups] [-icon] [-country] Displays a list of clients that are known. Included information is the clientID, nickname, client database id, channelID and client type. Please take note that the output will only contain clients which are in channels you are currently subscribed to. Using the optional modifier parameters you can enable additional information per client. Here is a list of the additional display paramters you will receive for each of the possible modifier parameters. -uid: client_unique_identifier -away: client_away client_away_message -voice: client_flag_talking client_input_muted client_output_muted client_input_hardware client_output_hardware client_talk_power client_is_talker client_is_priority_speaker client_is_recording client_is_channel_commander client_is_muted -groups: client_servergroups client_channel_group_id -icon: client_icon_id -country: client_country Example: clientlist clid=4 cid=1 client_database_id=3 client_nickname=Muh client_type=0 error id=0 msg=ok